A Word About Digital Accessibility

A Word About Digital Accessibility
Photo by Daniel Ali / Unsplash

The further I learn about the different elements of digital design the more I realize how vast the subject is. For instance, as it relates to the significance of accessibility in web design, I find that compliance is critical. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) are two laws that have been passed stipulating digital content must be accessible to persons with disabilities, otherwise there will be legal ramifications. From applying color contrast in text to using clear headings and labels, these are just a few of the principles which web designers must adhere to remain compliant.

More conventions to assist disabled individuals include "alternative text," "keyboard navigation" and "screen reader." Each of these are cornerstones when employing effective accessibility in digital content creation. Alternative text typically explains the purpose of a particular image and is sometimes bolstered by screen reader software to aid in situations where content may need to be read aloud. The screen reader can be activated in the settings while alternative text can be explored through the search engine one is using. Finally, keyboard navigation allows for maneuverability when users may not be able to use a mouse, for instance. Think of someone whose motor skills are limited, in this case keyboard accessibility can help to facilitate navigation.


In sum, accessibility is important when considering the abilities of all users. Staying abreast of all laws and conventions is vital to the success of the digital content creator. What I have learned in this quick study is not only are their mandates for accessibility, but creating fully inclusive web content is simply the right thing to do!

Calvin Green

Calvin Green

Calvin works as a Technical Writer for ICE (Immigration Customs Enforcement) creating tactical training programs for prospective law enforcement candidates. He loves to cook, travel and the outdoors.