Erin Byington

Erin Byington

I am a graduate student at Middle Georgia State University. I am working on my Master's in Professional and Technical Writing.

A Refection on Wikis

For the wiki article, I contributed a section on remediation. It was one of the topics that we had to write a journal for that I felt confident doing since I got a

Reflection on SEO and Blogging

I don’t know how many people in class have ever used Tumblr, but when I first joined back in 2012 one tip I remembered reading was that the first five tags you

Deja Vu: Analyzing the IA of AO3

For this week's post, I went back to analyze my favorite website: Archive of Our Own (AO3). As I mentioned in a previous post, the usability and function of AO3 as a fan-fiction

#WikiEdit Week 3

I'm not sure how we are supposed to report when we and how we edited a Wikipedia page, so I thought I would post it here. I added two citations to the article