Theresa Baraga

I am working toward a Master of Arts in Technical and Professional Writing from MGA. Currently I am working as a tax accountant and am exploring 3D printing as a hobby.

Wiki Contributions and Reflection

Collaboration on the LitWiki article page focusing on Technical Writing in the Digital Age in the fall semester was good practice for a technical writer.

SEO Development

A basic definition of SEO is a digital marketing strategy that enhances a website's search engine results. However, that definition fails to incorporate what an SEO can really accomplish. A successful SEO allows Information Architecture

The website I selected to analyze to understand information architecture was It is a website that advises on 3D printing, focusing on the Ender 3 as a specific printer, though the

What is 3D Printing? A Remediation

My remediation was on James Bricknell's article on titled "What is 3D printing?". There is a slight problem with my discourse community and this assignment on remediation, and that is that

3D Print Beginner - Website Analysis

To find the website associated with my discourse community of 3D printing, I consulted with three professional printers with more than ten years of combined experience. They recommended as a